

Characterization is the fundamental activity for mapping and identifying possible sources of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM), ideal for planning remediation and demolition activities without losing sight of costs.

New Seismic-Geoelectric instrumentation

Zulberti S.r.l. has updated its instrumentation to carry out non-invasive subsoil tests. The new instrumentation allows you to carry out MASW and HVSR tests, active seismic refraction prospecting and geoelectrical investigations.


Within the multiple services offered at Ecomondo fair 2023, at Zulberti SRL we are committed to pursuing our vision: ensure the well-being of those employed in the environmental geology sector and actively contribute to environmental protection. Our uniqueness is due to this duplicity, which is connected with a particular focus on the remediation of environmental damage.

Visit to the Brenner Base Tunnel: Mules 2-3 lot

The Zulberti Srl team visited the Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) construction site

The Georadar

Reinforced soil is a natural engineering technique widely used in recent years. This method allows us to strongly limit environmental impact, by replacing traditional reinforced concrete walls with structures capable of greening the slope.

PFAS contamination: MITENI case study

PFAS are compounds that have a negative impact on the environment. Since 2021 ZULBERTI S.r.l. deals with the environmental monitoring of the MITENI Site, carrying out works that limit its effects on the environment.

Geoelectric prospecting surveys

Reinforced soil is a natural engineering technique widely used in recent years. This method allows us to strongly limit environmental impact, by replacing traditional reinforced concrete walls with structures capable of greening the slope.

The “Down-Hole” seismic test

Reinforced soil is a natural engineering technique widely used in recent years. This method allows us to strongly limit environmental impact, by replacing traditional reinforced concrete walls with structures capable of greening the slope.

Groundwater Sampling

Groundwater sampling aims to collect water aliquots, on which chemical analyses will be performed in order to learn about the water chemical-physical state.

Reinforced soil in geotechnical engineering

Reinforced soil is a natural engineering technique widely used in recent years. This method allows us to strongly limit environmental impact, by replacing traditional reinforced concrete walls with structures capable of greening the slope.

Slope stabilisation using passive floating anchors

Dal momento che le metodologie precedentemente impiegate presentano limiti economici e modalità d’installazione complesse, gli ancoraggi flottanti di tipo passivo si configurano come un avanzamento delle tecniche di ancoraggio e un’alternativa ai tradizionali rinforzi.

Gigantic boulder for hydrogeological works

“Gigantic” might lead us to consider it an inefficient technology, because of issues related to transporting and moving. Actually, gigantic boulders are seen as a great raw material for design due to their ductility and good resistance.

Mitigation measures of rockfall hydrogeological risk

Therefore, it was possible to verify the effectiveness of designed active-passive protection works in sensitive areas.

Brownbag: Environmental Due Diligence as a key tool to support real estate transactions and corporate acquisitions

Environmental Due Diligence is the array of activities to be performed before acquiring an asset with the aim of identifying environmental liabilities and risks.

Geoelectric survey as a non-invasive technology for the subsoil investigation

Geoelectric investigation is an effective and non-invasive geophysical survey technology. This technique is based on materials response to electricity passage in the subsoil.

Column sampler: efficient soil sampling technology

The column sampler is a cutting-edge and efficient tool because of its manageability, speed of execution and low costs; moreover, it is very suitable for projects located in narrow and almost inaccessible areas.

Contamination maps: soil analysis’ new horizon

Contamination maps are graphic products aimed at representing pollutants’ spread and concentration.

Geognostic surveys: the right wave to save money

By implementing this present geognostic surveys’ campaign our client can extend the car park along the national road as quickly as possible, reducing the intervention costs.

Demolition material: a new purpose

During the Cles primary school demolition we managed to operate in order to ensure respect for the environment. Produced waste recovery allowed us to save raw materials and avoid landfilling with demolition material; this led to improve the preservation of homeland.

Uncontrolled landfill: restoring works combined with riverbed reshaping

Our team peculiarity consists of combining knowledge from different professional figures into a single project. This ability led us to carry out a project that has been made of three different interventions: urban waste confining, riverbed reshaping and complete environmental restoration fulfilling.

Environmental and geophysical investigations in an uncontrolled landfill

Our team combined environmental investigation and geophysical surveys, succeeding in performing a complete analysis on this site. This allowed us to understand wastes characteristic and distribution on site, key knowledge that will be used for planning future slope restoring projects.

How to manage unexpected issues

It’s not uncommon, during public infrastructures construction in low urbanized areas, coming across waste findings or contaminated soils.
This happening occurred…

Progress Holding AG

The expansion of the Progress group in the industrial area of Bressanone, is achieved through the construction of a new hangar for production purposes and offices for management.

Atena Immobiliare S.r.l.

The project of a new strategic commercial building sited in the North of Trento was an extremely challenging concern for the whole project team, due to the presence of a very shallow …

Interbrennero SpA

Our client commissioned an environmental survey to detect hypothetic problems related to any kind of soil or groundwater pollution. Our client’s final aim was the construction of an industrial building in the norther area of Trento, named Interporto.