27 Feb 2025 | Asbestos, Sampling

Asbestos: A Persistent Hazard

In recent years, many projects have led us to deal with a material well known for its hazardous nature: asbestos. This mineral, used for decades in industry and construction, still poses a public health threat due to its highly fibrous and carcinogenic nature.

What Is Asbestos and Where Is It Found?

Asbestos, also known as asbestiform minerals, is a group of silicate minerals with a fibrous structure belonging to the serpentine and amphibole series. Among these, chrysotile was the most extracted and used in the production of Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACMs). In Italy, the Balangero (TO) mine significantly contributed to the production of these materials until the ban imposed by Law No. 257 of 1992, which prohibited its extraction, use, and commercialization due to its proven health hazards.

ACMs were widely used between the 1960s and 1990s for their fire-resistant and thermal insulation properties. Today, they can still be found in older buildings in various forms, including:

  • Asbestos cement roofing (Eternit);
  • Drywall and wallpaper;
  • Coatings for chimneys, pipes, and gaskets;
  • Sprayed insulation on surfaces;
  • Window putty and paints;
  • Vinyl asbestos flooring;
  • Protective clothing and furnishing fabrics.

Why Asbestos Sampling Is Crucial

Friable ACMs, characterized by poor cohesion and high fiber concentration, are particularly dangerous as they tend to release particles into the air. Prolonged inhalation of these fibers significantly increases the risk of severe respiratory diseases.

Proper asbestos sampling is essential to identify risk areas and plan targeted remediation interventions. Our team was recently entrusted with the characterization of buildings dating back to the 1930s, which are scheduled for a remediation project.

Sampling and Analysis Methodology

Asbestos characterization follows a structured approach that includes:

  1. Visual inspection of buildings to identify potential ACM sources;
  2. Sample collection from suspected areas, carried out by specialized technicians;
  3. Laboratory analysis by an accredited facility to confirm the presence of asbestos fibers;
  4. Development of a remediation plan based on the obtained results.

This process allows for precise mapping of contaminated materials and planning of safe removal interventions, reducing disposal costs and ensuring compliance with current regulations.

A Commitment to Safety

The sampling of asbestos-containing materials is a fundamental step in protecting public health and ensuring worker safety. The adoption of advanced analysis techniques and effective remediation strategies helps minimize risks and ensures compliance with environmental regulations.

Investing in asbestos prevention and responsible management is a priority for all entities involved in the redevelopment and demolition of old buildings. Contact us for specialized consultation on asbestos characterization and remediation.