Ogni giorno ci impegniamo per garantire la sicurezza e la sostenibilità ambientale.
Immagina di avere al tuo fianco un collaboratore che trasforma ogni progetto in successo tangibile, risparmiando risorse cruciali come tempo e denaro. E se, oltre a questo, potessi anche preservare l’ambiente?
Cosa puoi fare oggi per trasformare la tua visione in realtà?
When the strategy
meet creativity
We have a dual and interconnected mission: to create well-being for our collaborators and actively contribute to environmental protection.
Since 2004, we have offered a wide range of geological and geotechnical services in both the industrial and civil sectors. Born as a professional firm specializing in the remediation of contaminated sites, geology and geotechnics, we have evolved into a structured and multifunctional company ….
Since 2004, we have offered a wide range of geological and geotechnical services in both the industrial and civil sectors. Born as a professional firm specializing in the remediation of contaminated sites, geology and geotechnics, we have evolved into a structured and multifunctional company ….

study case
In addition to restoring what has been damaged, we have a collective duty to guide future generations to progress in harmony with the environment. For this reason, your responsibility as a young talent is also our responsibility. If your values match ours, you’re exactly the person we need to expand our team.
Are you ready to transform your values into concrete actions and join us?
Are you ready to transform your values into concrete actions and join us?